Mark your answers honestly,
And see how high Your score is
on your
Missions Report Card.
- Are you happy and excited when it is announced that your church will be having a missionary speaker, missions emphasis, or missionary conference?
Yes No
- Do you have personal friends who are missionaries?
Yes No
- Do you personally correspond with any missionaries?
Yes No
- Do you know where to locate the Great Commisson verses in the Bible?
Yes No
- Do you know the names and fields of service for the missionaries supported by your church?
Yes No
- Do you pray regularly for missionaries by name and need?
Yes No
- Do you give specifically to the support of missions through your local church?
Yes No
- Would you willing to make a faith giving promise, above and beyond you regular tithes and offerings, for the support of missions in your local church?
Yes No
- Are you willing to give God first call on your life for vocational Christian service, even if it should mean less income and living in a distant land?
Yes No
- As a parent, would you be willing and happy to have your child/children in full time service?
Yes NoGrading Key:
Questions answered NO receive no points.
Questions answered YES receive points according to the scale below.
Question # Points for YES 1 6 2 5 3 8 4 5 5 7 6 8 7 7 8 7 9 10 10 11
The Key 50 Points of More = Good heart for missions 40 - 49 Above average 33 - 39 Only average Less than 33 Little concern for missions. This little questionnaire has been copied and adapted from an old one that I picked up many years ago. The author did not identify himself so I cannot give him or her credit for what they designed. I have modernized it and adapted it for our Mission's ministries. If you should know where it originally came from, please let me know, and I will be happy to give them the credit for the idea.
Dr. Bliss